Yes, we must keep Sigma Team in line. Just imagine, zombie birds, and skeletal squirrels, you know, with the bones that squirrels do have. Stupid squirrels.
My game arrived by UPS at 12:04 PM Pacific Standard Time.
I am glad that I was able to recieve the game before I had to go to work, otherwise it would have been held captive in the apartment office for another day.
You bastards are farther than I am... I'm at the first sighting of the upsidedown headed spiders.
That was kooky. I'm crawling through the ducts, and then I hear: ticka ticka ticka ticka, and see a many-legged shadow run by. At least they allowed me to get out of the crawl-space before attacking me.... Bleh, little bastards. They are running around all over outside where I'm trying to find oxygen right now.
I think I just got out of the Keith Courage Alpha Zone.... But then I got stuck in the part of the game where you have to leave the house and go to work for 7 or so hours... It's not quite as cool as the other parts...
Yeah, the car part wasn't that fun but I do like the part where you hit all the zombies at the office with a table leg. I thought it was a nice touch that the zombies try to convince you that they aren't zombies. It didn't fool me though...
Excellent work 3nder. Did you play it on a good system? I've got settings in my head that will make it fly on your system, so let me know when you'll be setting it up.
Yes it is also now in my possession and will be set up immediately on my return to the occident. I only played for a few minutes on a save game a tiny ways in as I didn't want to ruin my cinematic experience.
Anyone beat it yet? Whats the time to completion like? Less than HL I hope. I like a good long game as much as the next crackhead, but I swear I played through HL for 50 hours and only got 20-30% into it.
Speaking of... HL2 who? Is anyone still talking about this? What a PR disaster that has been.
sweet jeebus.... that game scared the shiat out of me more than any other game has. Definitely enjoyed playing through... but I also wanted to get it over with... Playing Doom for extended periods of time requires some serious decompression... like... watching some Matthew's best hit tv while eating cotton candy.
The game really doesn't scare me under normal circumstances. (System Shock 2 did though.) Now, if I play at night, with headphones, and a healthy dose of DoomAid TM, then I'm jumpier than a McNevin playing Quake 1 for the first time.
I clicked it, but only got sound. What I heard, I did not like. Bleh. DoomAid TM, no. DorkAid TM, yes. (Stopped listening after about 10 seconds.) Never use DorkAid TM while playing Doom 3. (You can hear the results by clicking the link you provided.) You might be able to get away with QuakeAid TM while playing Doom 3, simply because they are basically the same thing, but DorkAid TM is completely different. Now where's my J3RKAid TM, I'm gonna get tore up!