Vista speech recognition

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Bill Drayton Jr.
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Vista speech recognition

Post by Bill Drayton Jr. »

I got a bluetooth headset to use with my pc instead of a regular wired mic and during configuration I messed around with the speech recognition that comes with Vista.

I don't really understand why they would even bother implementing something like that as it can't recognize simple letters like the letter "z" - no matter how many times I corrected it so that it could "learn" it never got it and always thought I was saying "v" The letter "a" never worked either as it thought I was saying end or eight again after "teaching" it about 50 times or so. Z was ridiculous though as that was probably around 70 times it never got it. It also had trouble with the letters C, H, I, J and then I got sick of it...

Navigating around windows kind of works as it uses a limited vocabulary but sometimes when you use the mousegrid it would get confused when you would say the numbers 1-9.

So if you feel like wasting a ton of time and getting frustrated for no good reason I would mess around with Vistas speech recognition.

Anyway, Ray Kurzweil once said, "When AI solves a problem we then tend to put down the problem as not all that important after all. A.I has actually been defined as the set of problems that we haven't solved yet and as soon as we solve it it loses its mystery...intelligence has a mystery so we the know the solution of the problem and that can't be intelligence."

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