-I've played a on of hours of this. The atmosphere is nice and heavy, the sounds and attention to detail are top notch, the play is precise in a Soulsish way. Can't recommend it enough.
Songbringer - Overhead - Action Adventure - Available - *****
-I've now played this for about 20 hours. (I think that's a bit more than it takes some people to actually finish it, but I've searched every corner of the game that I've come across.) This game is quite cool. It's basically like if you crossed Hyper Light Drifter (but with looser combat) and Superbrothers Swords & Sworcery into an action RPG. As I mentioned the combat definitely isn't as tight or technical as HLD, but it still feels very good. The music is fun, there's a good variety to everything, plenty of items and skills, a touch of weirdness, and it's just a lot of fun to play. The story while weird is well done as well. At the final boss, and will beat this tonight. Just an update to reaffirm the five start rating. also, the dev has been very responsive and friendly, and has take mine and others' suggestions to heart, and based some updates around them. Very cool!
Sundered - Side-scroller - Action Exploration Skills-based "Touch O Vania" - Available - *****
-Incredible pseudovania with amazing art, music, among the best 2D animation I've seen, and a very flowing style of combat that's different than most games. It can take an hour or two to really get into it, but that's when things start getting interesting, more mobility and perks are active, and the game really takes off. I'm still playing this now (since release). Excellent game. The levels are procedurally arranged, and by that I mean, main rooms will be in the same locations, but some of the ways to get to them will be arranged differently. So while you might take a slightly different path, you will remember certain blocks of it, and you will have a strong idea of how to get somewhere you've been before, just with a slight sense of disorientation. The enemies are thrown at you in swarms/packs/hordes, but are easily dealt with the more you play. There is a huge skill tree to open up, and you get to keep everything you've upgraded, and can unlock new ones when you die. The art has a Lovecraft flair to it, the story is nice an dark, and the combat flows like a dance once you upgrade a bit.
Dead Cells - Side-scroller - Technical Action Exploration Weapons and Skills-based - Available - *****
-This is kind of like a 2D Souls game with CastleTroid elements. The levels are partially procedural, but the overall layout stays familiar and coherent. It never feels like it's just randomized completely, which is good. The graphics are great, the variety is huge, and the combat is very satisfying. Everything is very precise in this game, mixing and matching weapon sets with skill sets becomes an art the more you play, and eventually becomes vital to getting through the next section. There are cool runes that you get that help you open up new paths after beating some mini bosses as well. This is Early Access, but has more polish than many complete games. The devs are present and responsive, the community makes excellent suggestions for play styles, and is actually quite helpful rather than toxic. I've put over 40 hours into it, and still haven't seen the last boss yet. Just exploring and trying out new weapons. Good stuff. Update: This is released and way better even than when I listed this.
Shovel Knight + Addons - Side-scroller - Action Platform Ala "MegaMan" - Available - *****
-IMO the definitive Megaman style action platform game, with updates that allow you to play as some of the other, more iconic characters from the original game. Lots of secrets, extra abilities and weapons, a lot of really funny humor, excellent music, and modern conveniences. I have the full Treasure Trove version on the PC, Wii U, and 3DS and have played it a TON. It never really gets old.
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet - Side-scroller - Action "Saucer Vania" - Available - *****
-This is an interesting one. You pilot a flying saucer, but it involves true Metroid and Castlevania elements of backtracking with newly found equipment, sections that need said equipment to progress, etc. The world is very cool, the art style as well, sound design plays into the game play, then animation is amazing, and even things like the actual attachments you get for your ship are varied and exciting to use. Definitely recommend this.
Terraria - Side-scroller - Building Exploration Survival - Available - *****
-2D Minecraft basically, but with a really cool soundtrack, about a million more types of blocks, items, decorations, etc. to use. Cool varied environments, lots of enemies and bosses. Very fun.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime - Co-op Action Space Combat - Available - ***
-I'd rate this a little higher because the concept and execution are so good, but honestly I'm just not very good at it on my own, and haven't had anyone skilled enough to play with to make it work a little better for me. If I had another player to help manage the ship's stations, I'd have more fun, play it more, and probably rate it four or five stars. Without that though, I get pissed off and quit a lot.

Stardew Valley - Overhead - RPG Lite Building Lite "Harvest Moon-esque" - Available - ****
-Disclaimer I don't play this. All of my kids do, and they are absolutely glued to it. Even over other games that they love like Minecraft, Terraria, Borderlands, etc. They would rate it five stars easily. It's not quite my style of RPG though. It looks like a lot of busy-work like Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing, and I don't have anywhere near that kind of time.

FEZ - Rotational Side-scroller - Platform Puzzle - Available - *****
-One of my favorite puzzle-oriented platform games ever. This game pulled me in immediately, and I played it pretty much straight through. It can get fairly tricky at times with some of the puzzle timings, but never totally unfair. The music is relaxing, and the game overall is pretty mellow too. Good after-work platformer.
Axiom Verge - Side-scroller - Action Exploration "Troid" - Available - *****
-All I'm going to say is that I like this better than Super Metroid if that's any indication. It's pretty much flawless. Get it.
Nidhogg - Side-scroller - Versus Sword Play Fighter - Available - **** (***** with alcohol

-This game brings me back to things like Combat and Outlaw on the Atari, only with fluid animation, and contextually changing soundtrack, cool locations to fight, and if you and a friend or three have a few drinks, I guarantee you'll be giggling like little girls.
CRAWL - Overhead - Arcade Dungeon Crawler Four Player - Available - ****
-This game reminds me of some old upright arcade games. It's four players. One player is the main character and is attempting to get through the dungeon. The other players are ghosts that can inhabit/possess traps, summon creatures to fight as, etc. to try to kill the main character before he gets to the boss and leaves the dungeon. If a ghost kills the player, then he becomes the new player trying to get through. The visuals are cool, the music is nice, the controls are spot on, you can upgrade, and there is a lot of potential for laughing and trash talking. Another good one for a couple of drinks with friends.
Song of the Deep - Side-scroller - Action Exploration "Underwater Vania" - Available - ****
-I haven't finished this one, but played it a little bit with one of my daughters, and so far I really like it. It reminds me of a non-space/alien version of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. Similar play style, similar(ish) art, and play. I'll get back to this as soon as I can make myself put down Sundered.
Lone Survivor - Side-scroller - Horror RPG Lite - Available - ***
-This one nails the creepy, isolated, horror vibe pretty well. It's also slightly nonsensical at times, and it requires a lot of figuring out of things in slightly obtuse ways. It's also pretty maze like going through the apartments. It's a cool game, but I didn't finish it. It's something I'd like to eventually though during a lull. Not something I would drop another game I'm enjoying for though.
Monaco - Overhead - Action Skills-based Heist Multiplayer - Available - *****
-This game is an absolute blast. I'd play this (especially with a few friends) before I'd play any of the other heist games out there. Each class of character has a useful skill (I like the hacker, cleaner, and the mole best, but they're all good). You have to break into, or out of various facilities, steal things, hack security, climb through ventilation systems, tunnel through walls, and get to the end without getting killed. You can play with stealth, or kill everyone, though the violent route will be more difficult. Getting a good team going though with friends is pretty amazing. I got a four pack when this was released.
Dust Force - Side-scroller - Technical Platform - Available - ***
-I haven't played Meat Boy, but I assume that this is quite similar. It's a very technical platformer that requires excellent timing, and chaining of a lot of successful jumps, glides, slides, etc. It's fun, but difficult, and the music is really cool. It's not exactly one of my favorites, but I did play it quite a bit early on. I like the theme too.

Momodora - Side-scroller - Action Platform "Vania Lite" - Available - ****
-This game has very precise controls, cute characters, nice effects, and is a lot of fun. I was actually pretty surprised. I would call its MetroidVania aspects about as lite as they can be without being non-existent, but it does follow that style to a degree. There's something about it that makes me keep playing it, even where other very similar games lose me after a bit.
Dust: An Elysian Tale - Side-scroller - Action Platform - Available - *** (based on little play, may be better)
-This is a weird case. The art is gorgeous, the fighting is pretty decent, the animation is great, the levels are laid out fairly well, but I just could get myself to keep playing it. I know a lot of other people really like it, so I'm not going to rate it any less. All of the components are there, but for some reason I didn't find it very compelling. Maybe I'll try it again sometime. It definitely does enough right to make me rate it a little higher.
CrossCode - Overhead - Action RPG - Available - *****
-Early Access, but another case of excellent, honest and present developers who give regular updates. This game is kind of like if you took the "on the map" combat style of older Zeldas, Secret of Evermore maybe, and combined it with sci-fi nearly, but not completely Cyberpunk themes, and smashed in some Chrono Trigger for good measure. (though minus the turn based Chrono style combat) The graphics and effects are incredibly good, the story is fleshed out very well for the first areas, the devs add more to the story, and new areas regularly, and are actually working on the last bits now, and filling in the story more. The controls are fluid, there's a good tutorial to get you going. If you want a nice, polished, non-half-assed PC JRPG with action combat, then this is for you. I'll probably bump it up to five starts later, as I'm waiting to play it until version 1. I played several hours though just to make sure I'd like it, and I very much do. It's a case of wanting to experience the full package now though. Even better after release.
Ori and the Blind Forest - Side-scroller - Action Platform Exploration Lite Skills-based - Available - *****
-Beautiful game. The world art is amazing, the game characters are likable, and the overall atmosphere is sad, but compelling. I'm not as much a fan of the platforming on this as I am of something like Sundered, but it's very good, and the controls are tight. Kinda reminds me of Rayman in some ways, though obviously not as silly and comic a setting.
VVVVVV - Side-scroller - Simplistic Technical Action Platform RPG Lite - Available - ****
-Don't let the visuals fool you. This looks like something from a sub-C64 computer like maybe some of the Amstrads or Spectrums or something (My opinion there, I'm sure some British people will take issue with that statement

Cave Story+ - Side-scroller - Action RPG Ala "Wonder Boy Troid" - Available - ****
-I had obviously heard about this a long time ago, but was never sure if I'd like it. I ended up loving it. The dialog is funny, the characters are good, and the play is nice and tight with good controls. The game reminds me of some of the later Wonder Boy games (like Dragon's Curse) except more sci-fi.
PixelJunk Shooter - Side-scroller - Co-op Puzzle Space-ship Shooter - Available - ****
-Cool co-op space-ship shooter games with physics-based puzzles here and there. It's a rescue shooter where you pick up stranded guys from inside caves. It reminds me a lot of several C64 games from the 80s. It's 2 player local co-op. There's a "deluxe" version with more content. I haven't played the additional stuff yet though, only the original game.
Machinarium - Side-scroller / Screen by Screen - Point-Click Adventure - Available - ****
-Fun point and click adventure with cool artwork, funny characters, and an interesting setting. It's almost like if H.R. Geiger made a kids cartoon about robots.

Thimbleweed Park - Side-scroller / Screen by Screen - Point-Click Adventure Comedy - Available ****
-Do you like Monkey Island or Day or the Tentacle? Then you should probably like this. It's got an X-Files sort of theme to it. I'm not too far into it yet, but it feels like a SCUMM game, which is definitely a good thing. It's made me laugh a few times, looks good, sounds good. Now to find a bit more time to play it.
Bastion - Isometric - Narrated Action RPG Lite - Available - ***
-This is a really cool game. Beautiful graphics, cool narration, but for some reason it felt a bit repetitive to me, which normally isn't a problem for me with action RPGs. I felt like the combat was a tiny bit too drawn out for each section, and that maybe a little more weapon power, or a little less enemy life would have made things move along at a better pace. Still, it's a good game, and I'm glad I played it.
Transistor - Isometric - Action RPG - Available - ****
-Similar to Bastion, only on this one, I felt like the story moved along at a better pace, there was a bit more variety to the play and combat, and since I'm into the whole dystopia / cyberpunk sort of setting, it just gelled better with me. This is a very cool game. (Disclaimer, I played it on my iPad not the PC...)
Tokyo 42 - Rotational Isometric - Action Adventure RPG Lite Ala "Syndicate" - Available ****
-This is like if you took some light adventuring, maybe a touch of RPGism, and mushed them together with the original Syndicate game. (and added a FEZ-like rotation aspect) This game is a lot of fun. I've only played maybe the first 5-10 missions or so, as I got distracted, but definitely plan to get back to it. The visual style is really cool too. It's a brighter setting than the Syndicate games, but still gives you that same sort of feel. It's cool to see all the citizens doing varied activities. (until you run by with a weapon, and they start running away