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A party in my mouth and Willy Wonka is the guest of honor!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:38 pm
by Megatron
Have you purchased one of these new bags of candy provided by the wonderful people over at wonka?


1. Chewy Spree
2. Chewy Shock Tarts
3. Chewy Sweet Tarts

All in one bag!!! Oh, my mouth is on cloud #9 and its never coming back!


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:39 pm
by enderzero
Sounds like a chewy winner fo sho.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:42 am
by R3C
I would prefer a bag like that with the non-chewy versions. A-woogie-woogie-woogie-woogie. :D