OFF TOPIC FORUM - Full support for tomfoolery, zaniness, and other forms of monkery. One line posts and ambiguous titles are welcome. Get your Haw Flakes in here.
Wow, we had a real rock-star party last night. (minus the narcotics) We killed a ton of top-end alcohol, we went in the pool (just filled with near-freezing water,) some of us have some slight memory gaps, debit cards were lost, drunken foot-travel ocurred, some puking, El Rixoro's standard daring middle of the night escape etc. It was all there.
And then the next day I was fine...somehow...I don't remember driving home and all was well at the l2icks0r! house until I asked Kelly if I woke her up when I came home. Kelly replied, "Yeah...when you were in the kitchen making food." to which I replied, "I made food?!?"
Then she became rather fact she is still a bit upset...and I'm drunk...but that's ok cuz I had two teeth pulled out-o-my head...Too much teeth in my head...oooh yeah the Styx...
Too much teeth in my head, it's ticking away with my sanity
I've got too much teeth in my head, its hard to believe such a calamity
I've got too much teeth in my head and its ticking away from me
Too much teeth in my head, too much teeth in my head
Too much teeth in my head
The Halcion was quite amazing, which was followed by a healthy dose of demerol or Pethidine for the drug savey. I needed not the hydrocodone for my condition was too severe - my pain was quite exquisite so there was nothing for me to fear...but death. My resiliency is astounding stemming from seemingly uncharted regernerative capabilities and now teh l2icks0r! sleeps...
hmm good thread resting at the bottom of the page (we have a 2 year front page in the monkey lair).
So I bought a pool. The same as the one in J3rks0rs lawn except mine is smaller (12' round) and since instead of lawn I had a large but rather uneven cement patio, we built a 4 large closet door platform and leveled it out. So it has a bit of a sag and the constant threat that a door will break and some mystery piece of metal in the door will pierce the bottom and cause unknown damage to the house down the hill (not to mention whoever happens to be in the pool)... but 6 hours in and so far so good.
So we have a pool and it is hot and now we have an hdtv finally and I don't have a job and we have like 3 or 4 barbecues so any monkeys who want to visit - now would be a good time.
Oh speaking of, has l0rdSpid3rm0nx departed for the (s)o(u)ther(n) half?
I believe he is gone today or tomorrow. I'm not filled in on such details though usually. I usually have a certain window of fuzzy-facts that pass to me via peripheral-to-spidM0nxZ individuals. Or my wife will pry some facts out of him.
Reporting from the southern half...
Was in the mountains.
Now at the ocean. It's a bit foggy.
In a couple of days flying to the jungle.
Maybe to drink some kind of jungle wizzenberry juice..