my shins are: lacerated, bloodied, and bruised...I do this weekly...some day I hope to become "unbruisable."
So I guess it's time to totally break down and beg for support....
September 26th...I travel to Aberdeen Washington...I am 50% sure that I will break the current Washington State dead lift record for 181lb class 1 men of 545.5lbs... I hope to set a new record of 551lbs... The most I have done is 480lbs for a triple which is equivalent to 508lbs for a single.
Ok, so I have to improve by 37.5lbs to set the record...I may be possible because when I did 480lbs for a triple I moved 3.75 tons of weight was the workout:
145lbs x 5
235lbs x 5
325lbs x 5
415lbs x 3
445lbs x 3
465lbs x 3 = 3.75 tons
480lbs x 3 = 4.47 tons
So...the rationale is if I save my strength I could do more weight....I've broken the 500lb barrier before...but to increase that by 51lbs???? i dunno...
I am in Class 1 because I am a novice...I've only been dead lifting for about two months...
here are the current state records:
Washington is a pretty strong state...500lbs for a 181lb class 1 lifter is a record in most states...Washington is an exception...but what the hell...
The only other states where 551lbs isn't a record for a 181lb class 1 deadlifter are Texas and Hawaii out of the 37 competing states...that's it....