I will now use ridiculous external resources to satisfy my posting needs in a series of posts lasting who knows how long...My drunken alter-ego is rather belligerent, ferociously vulgar, and highly low-brow in comedic "quality" which adds to the exacerbation of the readers experience - I think.
I shall strive to ameliorate my persona...no more drunken l2icks0r! posting...
So on to the first one!!!
This story is about a poor little huge powerlifter who can't spell...He doesn't know how to spell S-T-R-E-N-G-T-H...
Come on now!!!! That's like a verterinan that doesn't know how to spell C-A-N-U-S F-A-M-I-L-I-A-R-I-S...
So check out Ted Arcidi, who's "elbows ere fully rehabilitated..."