Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 1:50 am
I just spent 20 mins on the phone with an "english speaking" citibank (or more appropriately titled in japanese: SHITTYBANK) representative, running around in circles, having the same conversation over and over. Something like this:
Me: So the balance was A yen last month, and next month it will be B right?
Her: (Long silence......) Yes, so last month was A, and then october it will be B.
Me: So what will it be next month?
Her: So last month was A, and then in October it becomes B.
Me: I understand that, so what will it be in September?
Her: The charge for last month was A, and then in september it becomes B, then in october it's C.
Me: Wait, but you just told me It would be B in october....
Her: (Long silence....)
*repeat 10 times, and add in a few more long pauses when I made the mistake of using a rhetorical question*
Sorry.... I just needed someplace to vent and this forum just happened to be open on my browser when I got off the phone....