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Done up an' broke ma iPad 2 outta jaaaill!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:12 pm
by R3C
Yeehaw!!! SUPER EASY! Go to web site, click button, it installs like an app, and BLAM!!! Jailbroken, apps intact, no side-effects, and instant FREEDOM!!!! WOOOOOOO!!! I've got a BASH shell, file browser, emulators, various network clients, Quake 3 Arena, DOSBox, etc.!!! Changed my theme, root passwords, etc. Installing updated Bluetooth stacks later, so I can use a Magic Mouse, Wiimote, and Apple BT Keyboard with it. BLOODY EFFIN' MARVELOUS! Couldn't have been easier. Can transfer any type of file to and from it now, have my Dropbox folder mounted etc.

Most of the emulators are Wiimote compatible, some even work with the Classic Controller.