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Mario Kart Thread...

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:54 pm
by R3C
Why not? :D

I picked it up, an extra controller, and have two wheels for it. It definitely takes some getting used to, and I wish the steering was a bit more sensitive (though maybe there is a setting for this,) but it's TONz0rZ-o-FuN. Just need to unlock some damned tracks. It does the DS thing where it has new tracks, and some old ones from various systems. Drifting is fun with the wheels, because you do it ROUGHLY the way you'd do it in a car. You start your slide by turning in, then you turn out, then back in again should you want to tighten it up at the end. It's easy to get the mini-turbos this way.

I've only played the first few circuits in single player. Multiplayer is fun, but split-screen is annoying as usual. (even on a fairly large TV)

Definitely a good game though, and it's nice that it doesn't cost any more than any other first run game even with the extra chunk of plastic. :D

The graphics and sounds are good. I'd rate them slightly above the GC version, but similar. It never really was a game that needed much graphical power.

One cool thing is that it uses your Miis all over the place. There is a level where there are several cars moving back and forth as obstacles. They are being driven by various Miis. I got backed over by SpiderMonkery once. :D They also use them on posters, and other things like this.


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 2:18 pm
by McNevin
I picked it up as well, also with a second wheel.

It's really fun, but it is a bit sensitive. I actually like playing with the motorcycles, without the wheel and using the wiimote itself.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 2:44 pm
by R3C
I haven't tried that yet. It also supports GC controllers, so I may try my Wavebird TM with it for classic play. :D Though I do enjoy drifting more with the wheel I think now that I'm used to it.

We shall have to play online!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:32 pm
by enderzero
I have played Wii-kart quite a bit and enjoyed it throughly. I like the bikes as well. And the coin battle mode is pretty awesome too.

But the game I have been playing way way more (like a many hours as possible) back in LA has been Smash Bros. Brawl. 4 player on a 65" TV is pretty unbeatable as far as fighting games go. Wavebirds are definitely necessary.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 12:58 pm
by McNevin

I made this spaceghost me at and I want to use it for mario cart, now that I have discovered that you can play as your Mii once you beat it on 100CC