There seems to be a problem with the sessions db with the new release of phpBB which can lead to an error when signing in. I have found a work around - but it requires me to run it when it occurs. This is problematic since I am leaving town for a few days to go make a movie (more on that later). But in the mean time the forum might break. So sorry if that happens and I will find a more permanent fix when I get back.
I was just trying to find a "Blame Ender" thread to reopen, so i could complain about the polls not working. I have no idea what this 4 year old thread is about either!
I've been seeing some more of these sessions.php errors. Lemme know if they crop up. I seem to be able to fix em when it happens but not sure what causes it and phpBB 2 is looooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg out of support. Maybe I should upgrade.
I just saw the one that I had McNevin notify you about. Otherwise it seems to be fairly solid these days. Could upgrade. Perhaps. There are only about 4 people using it at this point, but it seems like that being the case, usage has still risen slightly as of late. Also, did you hook up the Mungo Sync?