programming monkeys
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:37 pm
So...I've been toiling and found that I'm not really using the install of MSDN anymore because I just go to google and it finds the documentation for me on MS's MSDN site anyway and that is always going to be more up to date than what I have installed on my machine - thus it seems to make sense to me to not ever install MSDN again as long as you have a decent intarweb connection...So Dustron, if ever you feel the urge to do some programming I would just install dev studio 7 without the web crap and without MSDN and you would be set to go...
MSDN has a 1.7GB footprint... VS7 is under a gig...
MSDN has a 1.7GB footprint... VS7 is under a gig...