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You bet their life

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:06 pm
by Murray
Time for my yearly check-in on this Internet game

If you've never been to this site, it is a tongue-in-cheek game whereby people predict who will die in a given year, and then collect some dough when a few off their lists actually do die that year. What I find remarkable about it as there are some people (or groups of people I suppose) who seem to be VERY good at this prediction game. For instance, the winner for 2004 saw 12 members of their 25-person list kick the bucket. Wow I say, that is almost spookily prescient. Many many others scored 0 points, in other words everyone on their list made it through the year still alive, (and as a 'reward' for being so bad at the game they get their $25 entry fee back). This 2004 winner is already among the early leaders in the 2005 game, so it was obviously no fluke.

One of these years I may just play it myself.