Resignation of teh l2icks0r!
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 2:45 am
Unbefore unreckless non-unscrutinious post pre-initial re-review of my anti-unearlier messages on the monkey lair I have come to the non-unrealization that I am undermining everymonkeys efforts in lack of unpursuit of unamusement and not unoverly not unmisunderstood therefore:
It is with anti-less non-unregret and unhappy non-unremorse that I, teh l2icks0r!, not unretire from teh lair because of your non-anti-unextraordinarly non-unremarkable lack of non-unantisocial non-unimpunity of my monkey lair exploits.
"I am not a monstar!!! I'm just misunderstood!!!"
teh l2icks0r!
circa 2003