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Post by R3C »

Duke Nukem set to release on 5/3! Over...

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Post by R3C »

Ummm.... ...looks like Dead Space 2 might actually be my first $59 purchase. I really wanted to wait for it to drop, and was reserving that $59 slot for something id or Bethesda, but the game looks way too effing cool to pass up. With the reviews it's getting, I don't think it's going to drop in price as fast as the original did. I really don't play a lot of games anymore with all my projects going on, but Dead Space 2, Brink, Rage, and eventually Doom 4 and The Elder Scrolls 5 are on the list for sure. (oh, and of course I'll need Diablo III for Diablo-Fest 2011 (if it actually comes out in 2011) :D

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Post by R3C »

Dead Space 2 seems to be worth $59. From the little opening level that I've played, it looks like DS is confirmed to be the System Shock (ish) sort of series I've needed since SS2. Kinda knew that from the last one, but this one is even better. I know none of you are going to grab it for $59, but if you want a good game, this should do it.

It's also a pick up and put downable game... Which is what I need now that I'm an electronic busy-body...

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