After windows update I get a network cable unplugged...

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Bill Drayton Jr.
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After windows update I get a network cable unplugged...

Post by Bill Drayton Jr. »

I used to only have one network connection "Local Area Connection"

I let windows update do its thing...

Now "Local Area Connection" is stuck in "Network cable unplugged" and I have a new "Local Area Connection 2" that took over...

How do you delete a network connection? I can only disable it. And in device manager I have two networking controllers #3 and #4. I uninstalled and reinstalled drivers and it had no effect.

I have internet connectivity but I don't like what happened. I cannot delete either network connection. I was thinking just delete both and then reinstall drivers and then everything would work but I cannot delete either...

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Post by McNevin »

I would try going to safe mode and deleting them in device manager. If that doesn't work, i'd then try to go to the bios and reset defaults, EZero had a similar issue, you might also ask him.

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Post by enderzero »

you fixed this I assume?

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Bill Drayton Jr.
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Post by Bill Drayton Jr. »

I never solved it. I couldn't delete the network connection in safe mode. It has happened again too right after windows update completed. I lose internet access but retain local intranet access. Dunno what the deal is. I was thinking if I could just delete both of the network connections and create a new single connection that it would solve the problem but I never figured out how to delete either connection.

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